Wellbeing and Positive Psychology

Whilst helping our clients get their financial house in order is an important step to living a great life, being financially independent, in itself, provides no guarantee that you will achieve happiness and wellbeing. This article provides some additional structure to help you live your best possible life (4 mins read)

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The Perils of Owning Individual Stocks - More Losers than Winners

Given the accepted benefits of diversification, the question is, why don’t investors hold highly diversified portfolios? One reason is that it is likely most investors don’t understand just how risky individual stocks are. To correct that lack of knowledge, this article reviews some of the available research. We think most investors will be shocked at the data on individual stock returns. (6 mins read)

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The Case for Balance

Global epidemics, political crises, financial scandals, natural disasters - bad news is something you don’t have to go searching too far to find these days. But is there a psychological element in our attraction to negative headlines? (3 mins read)

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